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Karrie Miller

Coach Information

2503 S. Linden Rd. Ste 240 Flint, MI 48532
Phone Number
Niche and Who I help
I work with professional and entrepreneurial women who use food to cope with their emotions. Women who would like to let go of the same 10 to 15 pounds that they lose and regain multiple times. Binge eating, overeating, emotional eating.
I spent 23 years in emotionally abusive relationships. I learned to go numb inside, I became a workaholic because that meant the more time I spent at work the less time I spent at home with him.

I turned to liquid courage because I never knew what I was going to get when I was at home.

I turned to food to fill the emptiness inside.

I felt like I was so broken and so numb that I gained 30 lbs in trauma weight.

I have since healed myself and my emotional eating. I have let go of 25 of the 30 lbs I gained.

I had such a profound experience with my healing that I had to become a master coach so that I could help other women overcome their emotional eating, binge eating, and/or overeating and if needed to let go of their trauma weight so that they can live the life they deserve to live. They deserve to live happy, healthy, and confidently. And to know that they aren’t broken.

I have a system that worked for me to heal called Let It Go! Coaching program for Emotional Eaters. It’s a 1:1 coaching program where I guide you to uncover the root cause of the reason why you are binge eating, overeating, and hanging onto your trauma weight.

If you are struggling and filling the void inside with food, or feel out of control around food I encourage you to reach out to me. I'd love to talk with you.



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