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Brenda Lasecki

Coach Information

Ludington Center, 1100, Ludington Street, Escanaba, Delta County, Michigan, 49829, United States
Phone Number
Niche and Who I help
Empowering Women to Conquer Overwhelm of Their Daily Lives to be the best they Can Be
I have enjoyed being a Massage Therapist for 10 years and wanted a way to continue to help others in need of healing beyond the massage table. I came across the opportunity to learn Hypnotherapy and then onto Transformational Coaching. These skills have allowed me to continue to help my current clients and others by working with one's thoughts and how they process information. I have found these techniques personally helpful in the area of Anxiety and Depression. I have lived with both of these for far too many years to count. I am now able to live my life more freely and in control of my stressors and fears.



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